Marcel Hoppe

Unlock the Secrets of Swift Linting with SwiftLint and SwiftFormat on GitHub Actions

I admit I like to work in a clean and (consistently) structured codebase. For this reason, when working with multiple people in one codebase, a linter and/or formatter is inevitable. For a couple o...

What Is the Reason for an Emoji in My LinkedIn Name

As much as I like automatization and would like to automate everything possible, certain things shouldn’t be automated in my eyes. One example is personal communication! Like most people in tech, I...

Improve Your Apps Accessibility by Gradually Introducing Dynamic Type Sizes

After talking about my UIColor extension helper in my last post, I would like to discuss another helper extension I have used for quite some time now. This time it is not about colors; it is about ...

Streamline Your Colors by Using System Colors under iOS 12 and Below

At the time of writing, this might already be close to not being needed anymore soon. I am talking about getting Apple’s (not so) new System Colors under iOS 12 and below. What I mean by not be...

Hassle Free Merging of the Xcode Project File by Sorting It

When working with multiple developers on one Xcode project, merging the project file can quickly become a hassle. I guess we have all been there. Especially if multiple features with lots of new fi...

Welcome to my blog!

I wanted to start a blog for a very long time. Now I can tell you that the time has finally come. I plan to write monthly, maybe even weekly, depending on what topics are coming up. However, I do ...